


🌐 General

πŸ“– OS242 β€” OS242.

πŸ“– Quick Reference β€” Collection of cheat sheets, including awk, grep, sed, vim, and bash, for when you forget how to quit vim.

πŸ“– TL;DR for Developer Documentation β€” Another collection of cheat sheets.

πŸ› οΈ RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx β€” A tool to visualize RegEx searches and what they mean. I regularly use this tool to check if my RegEx does what I want it to do. It provides a very intuitive explanation of what each character in the RegEx input means.

πŸ—’οΈ Software Licenses

πŸ“– Difference Between Copyright and Copyleft in FOSS β€” Copyright vs Copyleft in FOSS.

πŸ“– Software Licenses in Plain English β€” There are a lot of software licenses available, from MIT License to GPL-3. This site gives a tl;dr on those licenses, listing what you can, cannot, and must do if you want to use a software license.

🐧 Linux in General

πŸ“– OS Development Wiki β€” I have always wondered how operating systems work. This wiki provides numerous resources on how operating systems work. A recommended read if you want to try to make your own OS.

πŸ“– Kernel in Operating System β€” An interesting read on what kernels are and different types of kernels.

πŸ“– Learn the ways of Linux-fu, for free. β€” Plenty resources on linux stuff from basic command line until networking. It’s an excellent starting point for anyone new to Linux.

πŸ”’ Encryption

πŸ“Ί What is PGP/GPG Encryption? In 3 Minutes - PGP/GPG Tutorial for Beginners β€” A simple and straightforward analogy on how GPG keys work.

πŸ“Ί RSA Encryption From Scratch - Math & Python Code β€” Explanation of the maths behind RSA Encryption and a simple implementation of it in Python.

πŸ“‚ Files

πŸ“– Linux file permissions explained β€” File permissions is the cryptic drwxr-xr-x when you do ls -al. This blog provides an explanation on how to read those file permissions in Linux.

πŸ“– How to Set File Permissions in Linux? β€” Another resource explaining file permissions in Linux and how to set it using chmod.

πŸ“– chown Linux Command: File Ownership Guide β€” Files have ownership. This blog explains how to set file ownership using the chown command in Linux.

πŸ“– Classic SysAdmin: The Linux Filesystem Explained β€” Explanation on the structure of The Linux Filesystem. It gives an overview on what each directory mean and what they are used for.

πŸ“Ί Linux Directories Explained in 100 Seconds β€” A short explanation on linux directories in a form of a 100 second video.

πŸ“– LFS β€”